sister stardust by jane green

Sister StardustSister Stardust by Jane Green
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Vintage vibes all over the place with this one - from the cover to the page, this was such a love letter to the mid60s London, music and the culture of that era. Green wrote beautifully about Claire and Talitha and all the characters in between. It was storytelling done well and most atmospheric above all else.

I liked the front end of this book more than the end probably because I just lost steam along the way so it didn't grab my attention to pick it up and read more as it had in the beginning. Overall a good story certainly enhanced with its research to era detail - the music, the clothes, the language, the social scenes. Quite a trip it all seemed and while it wasn't a coming of age story, it held that charm and nostalgia of young adult Claire and her adventures.

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