#bookreview The Retreat by Sarah Pearse

The Retreat (Detective Elin Warner, #2)The Retreat by Sarah Pearse
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Wow. 5 stars for me. Author Sarah Pearse defined her detective, Elin Warner, so well in this book that I liked her character so much more in THE RETREAT than in THE SANITORIUM. The overall writing was less choppy, not slow at all, and it was such a solid pageturning thriller/suspense read. Sarah Pearse's books are def auto-buys for me now.

Jo convinces her sister, Hana, to go away to a remote resort/hotel/restreat which is on a creepy island that has a very dark background. Boyfriends and a cousin, Maya, go as well; a third sister, Bea, can't go because of work. Elin's boyfriend, Will, and his sister, Farrah, have launched this whole Retreat project thus Elin's connection.

The current familiar thriller trend of 'all characters on remote location when murder occurs so it must be someone on the location did it' isn't original yet Pearse does a clever way at delivering all the juicy bits to the reader in due course. I was surprised several times during the book and even at the very end which is always a fun way to close the book. So good. Read it!!!

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